Propertymark members in Wales are being urged to attend a series of cultural awareness training sessions designed to assist landlords and agents with a vital comprehension of their responsibilities under the 2010 Equality Act by the Ethnic Youth Support Team Wales.
Organised by Tai Pawb, a group campaigning to enhance equality and social justice in housing in Wales, another purpose behind these sessions is to ensure private sector landlords and agents are aware of guidance issued as part of the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan and to see how it applies to them.
The Ethnic Youth Support Team Wales provides a wide variety of services around housing, employment, and community safety intended to meet the needs of BME (black and minority ethnic) young people, families, and individuals including refugees and asylum seekers residing in Wales.
The professional body’s members get to learn easy tips and insights about being anti-racist and culturally competent, so they can deliver equality best practice and boost their chances of ensuring any tenancies go smoothly thanks to a greater comprehension of meeting their legal responsibilities around anti-racism.
There will be sessions taking place on 4 June at 12pm, 31 July at 1pm, and 13 November at 1pm.
Tim Thomas, PropertymarkTim Thomas, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Propertymark, went to visit the Ethnic Youth Support Team Wales in Swansea last week.
Thomas says: “The Equality Act has placed greater emphasis on the duties of private sector landlords and agents to stamp out racism and following my meeting with the Ethnic Youth Support Team Wales, I feel like these sessions would be a fantastic opportunity for Propertymark members to understand their legal duties in greater detail so that they can, most importantly, deliver for their tenants.
“Propertymark would like to thank Tai Pawb and the Ethnic Youth Support Team Wales for allowing its members to participate in these upcoming sessions.”
Book your place HERE.