Propertymark has given the thumbs up to Andy Burnham’s programme to introduce thirteen new housing enforcement apprentices to tackle inadequate housing.
The Mayor of Greater Manchester (main picture) is pushing forward with the plans in a bid to bolster local teams and empower renters.
New enforcement apprentices, consisting of one in each area that makes up the combined authority, will join the ranks of local teams already tackling below par housing standards.
They will also help deliver the UK’s first Good Landlord Charter, which aims to be fully functional from May 2025.
In Salford, there is currently a £150,000 pilot scheme running, which will examine how a multi-agency approach throughout the public sector can help the property check system already in place.

Tim Thomas, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Propertymark, says: “We welcome the commitment from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority in investing in apprenticeships for housing enforcement officers.
“At a time when local authorities’ resources are in scarce supply against demanding pressures, this investment will ensure that the Combined Authority can more effectively tackle rouge landlords and support many compliant landlords across the area.
“Propertymark has long called for wide ranging investment in better local authority oversight, and this action will help end the postcode lottery in enforcement to raise standards overall.
“We would encourage other combined authorities to take a similar approach, and for other local authorities to collaborate with neighbouring local councils to pool resources and share best practice with compliant landlords and agents.”