Landlords and letting agents in Northern Ireland are now better equipped to ensure tenant safety, thanks to a new fact sheet released by Propertymark.
This guidance comes in response to the recently approved Electrical Safety Standards for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024.
The regulations, greenlit by the Northern Ireland Assembly on 19 November 2024, mark a significant step forward in tenant safety, following extensive public consultation in September 2023.
Under the new standards, effective from 1 April 2025, landlords must ensure electrical safety checks are carried out for all new private tenancies, with follow-up inspections conducted regularly. These checks will include a thorough inspection of all fixed electrical equipment and cables by a qualified professional.
The move builds on the Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, which empowered the Department for Communities to legislate on key areas affecting private renters, including tenancy deposits and tenant notifications. Sections of the Act have been steadily introduced, laying the groundwork for these new electrical safety regulations.
Local councils will play an active role in enforcing compliance, with the authority to issue notices if they suspect a property lacks a valid inspection report. Landlords of ongoing tenancies will also need to meet the 1 December 2025 deadline for their first safety inspections if no tenancy changes occur during the initial rollout period.
This proactive measure highlights a commitment to enhancing safety for private tenants while providing clear guidance for landlords to meet these essential requirements.
With Propertymark’s fact sheet, landlords and agents now have a resource to navigate these changes confidently, ensuring compliance and peace of mind for all.

Henry Griffith, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Propertymark, says: “Propertymark welcomes progress taken by the Department for Communities to establish electrical safety standards in private rented homes in Northern Ireland.
“We thank the Department for continuing to work with us following the initial consultation to ensure that the new regulations work in the best interests of the sector. Agents who are members of Propertymark have access to arrange of resources to help them understand the changes and apply it to their businesses.”