Hello Neighbour, the property-tech lettings company, has launched the UK’s first end-to-end self-service lettings platform – built using the technology the company has used to successfully rent thousands of properties on behalf of landlords since 2020 and has been designed to make letting a property as easy as possible.
The self-service platform will cost landlords just £200. The service includes property advertising (on Rightmove, Zoopla and more); a viewings tool to manage tenant viewings; tenant enquiry management; online-offer negotiations; best in class tenant referencing (leveraging Open Banking); comprehensive property compliance; tailoring tenancy contracts; arranging move-in’s; collecting the first month’s rent and registering security deposits. It also offers support and advice from the Hello Neighbour team throughout the process.
Landlords will also benefit from the 1.2million data points that Hello Neighbour uses internally for every valuation they make as well as the viewing technology that channels today’s high levels of tenant demand into simple, easy to manage viewing appointments.
The ability to receive and evaluate multiple offers, register deposits and take high quality open-banking references, all seamlessly actioned in one platform, is unique to Hello Neighbour.
And as the letting process progresses, Hello Neighbour’s rigorously tested contracts will be automatically populated to deliver fully compliant, tenant move-in’s. The company will continue to offer landlords its full service letting for £1,200 for those who don’t have the time to do it themselves.
The launch of an online lettings platform that takes landlords from beginning to end of the entire letting lifecycle is an industry first and a huge step in Hello Neighbour’s ambition to change lettings for good.
To that end, because a great service combines excellent technology with dedicated support, a lettings expert will be on-hand throughout every landlord’s journey on the platform.
All tenant enquiries will be managed by Hello Neighbour on behalf of landlords that require additional support, for no additional fees.
Richard Jenkins, Hello NeighbourRichard Jenkins, Founder and CEO of Hello Neighbour, says: “We have spent four years and millions of pounds developing technology that makes letting a property simple, efficient and fully compliant.
“It has enabled us to successfully find thousands of tenants for landlords who have trusted us to let their properties. And it has done that in a way that has delighted both.”
He adds: “I set up Hello Neighbour to change lettings for good, and by enabling any landlord to use our technology, we are doing just that.
“This brings simple to use, intuitive and powerful online tools to an often cumbersome and challenging process.
“We know landlords will enjoy using our platform to let their own property, and to make sure that is the case, our experienced team will always be there to help.
“We are incredibly excited by what we believe is a huge change for landlords and a giant step in our ambition to change lettings for good.”