A crackdown on landlords and tenants within the private rented sector in Haringey has resulted in fines totalling more than £20,000 as the council fights to maintain housing standards through its property licensing schemes.
In Tottenham, a landlord was fined £1,500 for not licensing their property as a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).
The property housed six people without the landlord’s knowledge. The tenant, who sublet the property, was also fined £5,000, which was paid without appeal.
Another case in South Tottenham saw a landlord fined £10,000 after an unannounced visit revealed five tenants living in two or more households, sharing kitchen and bathroom facilities. Despite an appeal, the court upheld the penalty for failing to license under the Mandatory Licensing Scheme.
Additionally, civil penalty notices (CPN) were issued to two landlords in Northumberland Park and Wood Green after failing to license their rented property under the Selective Property Licensing Scheme which came into effect from November 17, 2022. Despite numerous warnings, both landlords did not apply for a license and now face fines of £1,750 and £2,000.

Cllr Sarah Williams, Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning and Deputy Leader, says: “Our message is clear: we will not tolerate unlicensed homes in Haringey.
“Landlords must be accountable for their properties and the welfare of their tenants.
“The safety and well-being of our residents is our highest priority. These fines clearly show our dedication to enforcing housing regulations and safeguarding our communities.
“We will continue to pursue every necessary measure to protect our residents.
“The council are committed to identifying and addressing non-compliant properties across the borough and encourages tenants to report any concerns about their living conditions.”