Half of over-50s brace for a lonely Christmas

Nearly half of over-50s in the UK expect to feel lonely this Christmas, according to a survey by Regency Living, specialists in over-50s property.

The findings reveal a sobering picture of isolation during what is traditionally seen as the most social time of year.
The survey shows that 27% of over-50s live alone throughout the year, with 24% set to spend Christmas entirely by themselves.

A further 20% will spend part of the festive period alone, even if they see family or friends for some of it.


Almost half (48%) report feeling lonely during the Christmas season. The sense of isolation is compounded for many by quieter local communities, with 38% saying they feel more cut off as neighbours and friends leave town for the holidays.


Tim Simmons, Sales and Marketing Director at Regency Living, says: “Christmas is a time of year that many of us look forward to with great anticipation, not least because it’s an opportunity to spend quality time with family, friends, and loved ones that we just don’t get all year round.

“But unfortunately, an awful lot of people don’t get to enjoy this period with their families, and this sense of loneliness is particularly common among over-50s and retirees.”

“For those who live alone, even the everyday connections with neighbours can disappear over the festive season, leaving them more isolated than usual.”


Simmons stresses that loneliness is not just a seasonal issue, but one that persists throughout the year for many older adults. However, the heightened focus on togetherness during Christmas can make it more acute.

He points to residential park home communities as a potential solution for retirees who feel disconnected, offering the chance to live among like-minded people in a supportive, social environment.

He says: “Being surrounded by friends and companions gives a huge boost to our quality of life, which itself boosts both our mental and physical health well into our later years.

“We would encourage anyone who is worried about living alone or being lonely in their retirement to explore the possibility of moving to a park home community.”


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