Fine & Country Foundation awards £52,400 in Autumn grants

The Fine & Country Foundation has announced its Autumn 2024 grant recipients, providing £52,400 to 37 charities tackling homelessness and poverty across the UK and beyond.

This latest funding milestone brings the Foundation’s total contributions to an impressive £1,006,000 since its establishment in 2014.
The biannual grant scheme, held each Spring and Autumn, enables Fine & Country offices to nominate local charities, with each recipient eligible for up to £3,000.

These funds provide crucial support for organisations addressing homelessness, food insecurity, and other critical challenges in their communities.


This year’s grants come as charities face mounting pressures, including the soaring cost of living and increased demand for their services. The Foundation’s financial support serves as a lifeline, allowing these organisations to focus on delivering their essential work without additional financial strain.

jon cooke top
Jon Cooke, Trustee of The Fine & Country Foundation

Jon Cooke, Trustee of The Fine & Country Foundation, says: “The Fine & Country Foundation’s dedication to tackling homelessness and poverty is more important than ever.

“For the charities that have received funding, this grant is more than financial support.

“It is a vote of confidence in the vital work they do. We are proud to play a role in helping them continue their efforts.”


The 37 charities supported in this round include organisations such as Emmaus Coventry & Warwickshire, The Hygiene Bank, YMCA Fairthorne Group and Off The Fence.

Each plays a pivotal role in addressing issues ranging from emergency shelter to food security and community support.

The Foundation’s commitment to these causes has been bolstered by the collective efforts of Fine & Country offices and their communities, who contribute through regular giving and fundraising events. Earlier this year, the Foundation celebrated surpassing the £1 million milestone, a testament to a decade of dedicated philanthropy.

  1. Advantage Africa
  2. All People All Places Night Shelter
  3. The Hygiene Bank
  4. The Forge Scunthorpe
  5. Off The Fence
  6. The Clock Tower Sanctuary
  7. Help Bristols Homeless
  8. Helping Caring Team
  9. Gloustershire Nightstop
  10. The Four Streets Project
  11. One Home Church
  12. Project4ALL
  13. Emmaus Coventry & Warwickshire
  14. Nuneaton Food Bank
  15. St Paul’s Hostel
  16. Pass it On
  17. Glass Door Homeless Charity
  18. Cambridge Women’s Resource Centre
  19. Supporting People in Need (SPIN)
  20. Prisoners Abroad
  21. The Shelter Trust
  22. Lancaster & District Homesless Service
  23. Helping Hands Community Project
  24. Alabare
  25. Love Marlborough Kids Meals
  26. Cake Club (CIO)
  27. Rekindle
  28. Wallich-Clifford Community (Known as The Wallich)
  29. Northhampton Hope Centre
  30. Daylight Centre Fellowship
  31. Parents & Children Together (Alana House CRisis Fund)
  32. Nightsafe
  33. Kate’s Kitchen in Annan
  34. YMCA Fairthorne Group
  35. Oxfordshire CLT Limited (Oxfordshire Community Land Trust)
  36. The Amber Foundation
  37. Sleeppod


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