Boyer achieves Resolution to Grant Planning Consent for Bloor Homes in Berkshire

Boyer (part of Leaders Romans Group) has secured a resolution to grant planning consent on behalf of Bloor Homes Southern for a development of 38 homes in Binfield, Berkshire. The resolution was awarded by Bracknell Forest Council on 15 August, at planning committee.

The 1.85ha site is located on the junction of Wood Lane and Forest Road Wood Lane on the south east side of Binfield, just 2.5 miles from the centre of Bracknell.

Of the 38 homes to be constructed on site, 35% will be affordable housing and will mostly comprise rental units in line with Bracknell Forest Council’s policy. Homes will be two storeys, with one bungalow, and designed to reflect the surrounding area.  Traditional building materials will be used, including red or red multi brick, with some render and a mixture of red, brown and grey roof tiles.

The development will also provide public open spaces for informal play and recreation, landscaping, biodiversity enhancements and pedestrian and cycle links.

The majority of the trees and hedgerows will be retained, and the site will benefit from additional tree planting and landscaping. Significant landscaping is proposed to the eastern boundary, where a pond will be located.


Joseph Hickling Principal Planner in BoyerJoseph Hickling, BoyerJoseph Hickling, Principal Planner in Boyer’s Wokingham office said, “We are delighted to have achieved this planning consent on behalf of Bloor Homes.

“The new development will help address a dire shortage of homes in the local area, with the affordable housing providing a home for local people most in need.

“It will be an attractive, green development with footpaths and cycle paths which will open up this location to many more people than currently use it and provide useful access from Binfield towards Bracknell.”

In achieving planning success, Boyer worked alongside worked alongside Pegasus Group (design), Abley Letchford Partnership Ltd (transport/drainage), Environmental Design Partnership LLP (landscape/heritage), Ecological Planning & Research (ecology), Briary Energy Limited (Energy), RPS (Archaeology) and Political Developments & Intelligence Ltd (communications).

An artist impression of Forest Road. Picture: Pegasus GroupAn artist impression of Forest Road. Picture: Pegasus Group


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